West Midlands Police Camera Enforcement Unit
Working together with our partners (local authorities, court service, etc.) West Midlands Police Camera Enforcement Unit (CEU) is responsible for the operation of both mobile and variable speed cameras. Our objective is to reduce vehicle speeds at identified casualty hotspots thereby reducing the number of people killed and injured on the roads.

Find out information about our policies and procedures, including casualty reduction and offence numbers.
Find out more about speed limits, staying within the speed limit, driving distracted and Speed Awareness Courses.
Find out how what devices we use and how they detect speed at locations throughout the county.
Drive within the limit and at a speed and position that gives you and everyone else a comfort zone. Then, if someone makes a silly mistake you've got time and space to deal with it, no problem, no fuss.
Find out more about the Active Traffic Management (ATM) scheme that has been put in place on the M42 and M6 motorways in the West Midlands. ATM puts new technologies on our existing motorways.
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